Electric Cars vs Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars

October 13, 2021


We have all heard about the electric car revolution, but there is another type of car that is competing with electric cars, the hydrogen fuel cell car. At Flare Compare we like to compare different solutions to help you figure out which one suits you best. So, in this post, we are going to take a closer look at these two types of cars and find out which one is better.


When it comes to efficiency, electric cars are a clear winner. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, electric cars convert about 59%-62% of the electrical energy from the grid to power at the wheels. In contrast, hydrogen fuel cell cars convert only 25% of the energy stored in hydrogen to power at the wheels. This means that electric cars are about two and a half times more efficient than hydrogen fuel cell cars.


Hydrogen fuel cell cars are currently more expensive than electric cars. The Toyota Mirai, for example, has a starting price of $49,500, while the Nissan Leaf starts at $31,600. Moreover, there are more options and features available with electric cars, making them a better value for money. However, hydrogen fuel cell cars do have one advantage, they can be refueled faster than electric cars. It takes only a few minutes to refuel a hydrogen fuel cell car, while electric cars can take up to 30 minutes for a fast charging session.

Environmental Impact

Both electric cars and hydrogen fuel cell cars are environmentally friendly, but electric cars are still better in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Electric cars emit no tailpipe emissions, meaning that they produce no pollution from the car itself. On the other hand, even though hydrogen fuel cell cars emit only water vapor, producing the hydrogen itself requires a lot of energy. Currently, most of the hydrogen produced is obtained by reforming natural gas, a process that emits greenhouse gases. However, there are efforts underway to produce hydrogen from renewable sources like solar and wind power.


In conclusion, both electric cars and hydrogen fuel cell cars have their advantages and disadvantages. Electric cars are more efficient and less expensive, but they take longer to refuel. Hydrogen fuel cell cars, on the other hand, can be refueled quickly, but they are less efficient and currently more expensive. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your needs and priorities.


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